deafening noises
Eventually your eyes stopped smiling as much as they once did
i'm too young, but already too sad.
blogskin (c) puiling
icon from tfn
Title: #003: Volcano
Posted on: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 10:26 AM
Hello! After a year, your resident emo bitch is back. And nothing has even changed. Still that girl who smiles and laughs in front of people but is truly one sad bitch. :)

I am honestly feeling so down right now and I have no one to talk to. I have no one to vent out to. But as much I want someone to listen, I also want to be alone. To be left alone. I just want to run away from everything. From home, from my responsibilities, from everyone I know. I just want to get something for myself, even just for once– time. This anger and sadness that I've been keeping inside for the past few months have piled up because I'm a cancer bullshit like that.

Compare it with a volcano whose magma has been forming up in its magma chamber for a few years now. Compare it with that. Someday it will cause a huge explosion and it would be disastrous. Someday I will explode and everyone would watch me deform, like how the perfect cone shaped volcano once was. Slowly. Watch as the lava flows on the mountain's steep edges, as it devours and kills everything. 


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Title: #002: Poem
Posted on: Friday, September 19, 2014 2:57 AM

If I give you my eyes,
Will the dark be dispelled
From your vision?
Because there has got to be 
Something blocking
Your line of sight
If you aren’t
Happy with what you see in the mirror.
If I give you my eyes,
Would you realize who you are?
Would you admire yourself 
The way I admire
Oh I hope you would.
Stop doing this to yourself please.
You are infinitely beautiful. 
Hear my plea!
Your icy
Eyes don’t need to be washed
By any more tears,
Because they already glint
With beauty
And happiness.
Stop poking and prodding.
And weighing
And telling yourself you aren’t good enough!
Because someday
Will love you
With a love that
Never fails.
Will have the ability
To make you feel
As gorgeous as you are.
But until that day,
Do me a favor - 
Take my word for it.

– Rachel Eves

Being yourself is the true meaning of beauty. 

For my Speech 11 class which requires us to"Choose a poem that you can relate to and do an interpretation of it in front of the class."

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Title: 001: Anxiety
Posted on: Thursday, September 11, 2014 7:13 AM

It's just the first month of the school year and I'm already stressed. I'm not sure if it's because of all the school works (which is minimal as of the moment) or just the normal stress that keeps on building up every single day. My body is doing fine but my soul feels so exhausted. I don't even know why am I feeling this way but I hope I'll figure it out soon.

(wasted my time making this blog and writing this post instead of doing my histo reviewers because it really is /that/ bad)

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