Title: #003: Volcano
Posted on: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 10:26 AM
Posted on: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 10:26 AM
Hello! After a year, your resident emo bitch is back. And nothing has even changed. Still that girl who smiles and laughs in front of people but is truly one sad bitch. :)
I am honestly feeling so down right now and I have no one to talk to. I have no one to vent out to. But as much I want someone to listen, I also want to be alone. To be left alone. I just want to run away from everything. From home, from my responsibilities, from everyone I know. I just want to get something for myself, even just for once– time. This anger and sadness that I've been keeping inside for the past few months have piled up because I'm a cancerbullshit like that.
Compare it with a volcano whose magma has been forming up in its magma chamber for a few years now. Compare it with that. Someday it will cause a huge explosion and it would be disastrous. Someday I will explode and everyone would watch me deform, like how the perfect cone shaped volcano once was. Slowly. Watch as the lava flows on the mountain's steep edges, as it devours and kills everything.
I am honestly feeling so down right now and I have no one to talk to. I have no one to vent out to. But as much I want someone to listen, I also want to be alone. To be left alone. I just want to run away from everything. From home, from my responsibilities, from everyone I know. I just want to get something for myself, even just for once– time. This anger and sadness that I've been keeping inside for the past few months have piled up because I'm a cancer
Compare it with a volcano whose magma has been forming up in its magma chamber for a few years now. Compare it with that. Someday it will cause a huge explosion and it would be disastrous. Someday I will explode and everyone would watch me deform, like how the perfect cone shaped volcano once was. Slowly. Watch as the lava flows on the mountain's steep edges, as it devours and kills everything.
Labels: life